Legal & Terms

Legal Disclaimer
The information contained within this site is given in good faith and for general guidance only. The information should not be relied upon as statements of fact and Obbard can take no responsibility for any inaccuracies contained herein.
All copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights in this site (including the design, arrangement, look and feel) together with any third party – information posted to the site, shall remain the property of Obbard and/or the third party – authors or licensees. You may not agree to, permit or assist in any way any third party – to copy, reproduce, download, post, store, distribute, transmit or modify any material or content without Obbard’s prior approval.


Cookie Policy
Cookies are small text files that some websites store on your computer when you visit them. Cookies mainly provide a customised experience for the visitor to a website by remembering certain information and using that to personalise information provided when the visitor returns. In addition, cookies can help you navigate between pages efficiently.
Our use of cookies includes; holding form information as you fill in a form, allowing you access to secure areas, tracking your actions through the website in order to make website improvements, allowing you to share our pages on social networks or remembering your log in details. By using our website, you accept our use of cookies.
We advise you to read our Privacy Policy for reassurance that your personal information is safe with us and that we do not share your information with third parties.


Obbard Privacy Policy


We keep this Policy under regular review, the last review was on 24/04/2024. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 24/04/2024

Our Privacy Policy sets out how Obbard collects and uses personal data and in addition how such personal data is protected. Obbard strives to ensure that any personal data supplied by its customers or business partners is collected and handled both fairly and according to legal guidelines.

What sort of personal data do we collect?

In order to provide our services, it is necessary to collect certain personal data. The data collected may include: company name, individuals’ names and job titles, billing and postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses and other such information as may be required for individual services.

How do we collect the personal data?

We collect personal data in a number of ways. Typically, this will be collected via online forms but may also be collected in the form of questionnaires or forms completed by customers who wish to find out more about our services, from third parties, from marketing events or from partner companies.

How do we use the data held?

Our main use of the data revolves around managing accounts, improving existing services, and marketing.


Obbard needs your personal data in order to manage the delivery of services and to answer queries relating to requirements, submit invoices and various other interactions with our customers.

Improving services

Obbard may use personal data for the purposes of statistical analysis of sales and usage patterns in order to better serve our customer base and to develop new services based on such analysis.


Obbard may use personal data for the purposes of marketing to existing or potential customers. Such marketing may include informing customers of existing or new services. Where customers do not wish to be kept informed of any such products or services we will endeavor to ensure that wish is honoured.

To whom does Obbard disclose the data held?

Obbard will share personal information throughout its internal departments in order to fulfill its obligations under any contracts undertaken with its customers. This will include but not be limited to sales, support and accounting departments.

Obbard will not share or disclose personal data except where:

1) It is ordered to do so by law

2) It is necessary to do so in order for contracted third parties to perform their duties such as for delivery or installation

3) Customer consent has been granted

How does Obbard secure the data it holds?

Obbard takes customer confidentiality and security very seriously and has implemented security procedures that restrict access to and disclosure of personal data held. The effectiveness of and compliance with such procedures are reviewed from time to time and changes made where appropriate.

Data Protection Act 1998

Obbard Ltd is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998, and comply with the Act in all our dealings with your personal data.

Customers’ Rights

The law in certain countries gives individuals whose personal data is held by Obbard a right to access and rectify personal data held about them including the right to: confirm that personal data is held, as well as a written description of such personal data, the purpose(s) for which it is being used, the source(s) of the personal data and details of any recipients request the deletion or amendment of personal data which is inaccurate to object to any unsolicited information sent by Obbard regarding promotions or new products and services.

How to contact us regarding data held?

If any individual wishes to contact Obbard regarding the personal data held about them or has any other question about our data privacy procedures, they should either email or write to The Data Protection Manager at our London office address published from time to time on our web site at

Policy Reviews and Updates

As part of Obbard’s commitment to compliance with data privacy requirements, and to reflect any changes made to such requirements or of our own policies, Obbard may from time to time update this policy and will post such revised policies on our web site at

Propertymark Membership Obligations

As members of Propertymark, Obbard commits to a set of rules and obligations which offer protection for consumers when dealing with us. Details of our obligations and your rights can be found here:

Propertymark Conduct and Membership Rules
Propertymark Agent Certificate
Propertymark Client Money Protection Certificate

Contact Propertymark

We are members of propertymark. If you feel your complaint has not been satisfacorily dealt with by ourselves and the redress scheme, you can send your complaint to Propertymark. Go to the Propertymark website to download a complaint form.

Propertymark investigate complaints against their members where there is evidence an agent has breached their Conduct and Membership Rules. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, misuse of client money, failure to uphold high standards of ethical and professional practice, and failure to answer correspondence.

Tel: 01926 496 791 |

Propertymark Complaints


We are committed to providing a professional service to all our clients and customers. When something goes wrong, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint, please put it in writing, including as much detail as possible. We will then respond in line with the timeframes set out below (if you feel we have not sought to address your complaints within eight weeks, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Property Ombudsman to consider without our final viewpoint on the matter).
What will happen next?
We will send you a letter acknowledging receipt of you complaint within three working days of receiving it, enclosing a copy of this procedure.

We will then investigate your complaint. This will normally be dealt with by the office manager who will review your file and speak to the member of staff who dealt with you. A formal written outcome of our investigation will be sent to you within 15 working days of sending the acknowledgement letter.

If, at this stage, you are still not satisfied, you should contact us again and we will arrange for a separate review to take place by a senior member of staff.

We will write to you within 15 working days of receiving your request for a review, confirming our final viewpoint on the matter.
If you remain dissatisfied, you can then contact The Property Ombudsman to request an independent review:

The Property Ombudsman Ltd
Milford House
43-45 Milford Street
01722 333 306

Please note the following:
You will need to submit your complaint to The Property Ombudsman within 12 months of receiving our final viewpoint letter, including any evidence to support your case.
The Property Ombudsman requires that all complaints are addressed through this in-house complaints procedure, before being submitted for an independent review.

Once in receipt of the TPO review you have 6 months in which to refer your complaint to Propertymark for further details please see link here:Make a complaint about a Propertymark member | Propertymark

Obbard’s Property Ombudsman Certificate

Obbard’s Rental & Management Fees.
Please find below our company’s charging schedule with rental and management fees.

Landlord Fee Schedule
Tenant Fee Schedule (Assured Shorthold Tenancy)
Tenant Fee Schedule (Assured Tenancy)

Obbard Registered Office

Obbard Ltd. Registered in England No 2917554. Registered office: 5, Technology Park, Colindeep Lane,, London, NW9 6BX


All images used throughout this site are taken from Obbard/Obespoke projects and together with the designs and artwork found on this site are fully copyright protected.

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